The Great Wizardry Myth


7 min read

As the sands of time flowed inexorably onward, the noonday sun bathed the undulating fields in a resplendent golden hue, enveloping their farm home in its warm embrace. The moment had arrived for the harvest, a time-honoured tradition bequeathed from one generation of Agak's lineage to the next, now entrusted to the capable hands of Ajax and Aether. With Aether and Stympha as his loyal companions, they embarked on the task of gathering the bounteous yields bestowed by the fertile earth, carrying out Ajax's solemn command.

The fields stretched far and wide, a tapestry of lush abundance, a testament to the year-long toil of Agak and her unwavering dedication. The vibrant rows of vegetables, plump grains, and sweet fruits bore witness to the enduring connection between Agak's forebears and the village that had prospered under their care.

Aether, his small hands brimming with youthful enthusiasm, deftly plucked ripe vegetables, gently placing them into a wicker basket woven by the magical artistry of Ajax. Meanwhile, Ajax, the master of spells, worked diligently, channelling his mystical powers to harvest grains that would nourish the entire village. High above, Stympha, their feathered sentinel, perched on a floating basket, keenly overseeing the proceedings and offering the occasional chirp of encouragement.

Amid their labour, Ajax regaled Aether with tales of bygone generations, stories of ancestors who had toiled in these very fields. The yarn he spun wove a narrative of a bygone era, an era when magic and monarchy intermingled in a realm ruled by a compassionate heart.

"Aether," Ajax began, his voice soft with reverence, "there's a belief among the people that your mother's ancestors once ruled this realm—a world where magic and monarchy danced a delicate waltz. In this domain, there lived a king known as Gossharic, a sovereign graced with the gift of immortality. He was renowned not only for his benevolent spirit but also for his profound love for the land and its people. The kingdom was a tapestry of diversity, unified under the benevolent reign of King Gossharic. But beneath this facade of unity, a tempest brewed, and the catalyst for this tempest was none other than the prince, Johnny Rooks."

Aether's curiosity sparked, and he interjected, "What sparked the civil war?"

Ajax replied with a measured tone, "These are ancient tales, my son, and whether they are true or not is a matter of conjecture. As for your questions, the answers remain elusive."

Ajax continued, "A civil war ignited by the prince Johnny Rooks, among wizards had spread like wildfire, tearing the world asunder. Wizards on both sides wield immense power, threatening to plunge the world into darkness. Gossharic, wise beyond his years, saw the devastation demolishing the entire wizards.

One fateful day, Gossharic approached his son, Prince Johnny Rooks, who sat on the throne with an evil heart. The great king aware of his son's desire to rule the world, pleaded with his son to end the war, for he could not bear to see the land and its people suffer any longer. King Gossharic, touched by his son's dark thoughts, kneeled before his son unaware of the reason behind his cruelty.

Prince Johnny had a radical idea, one that would forever change the fate of the kingdom. He asked his father to step down from the throne to renounce the crown and his royal privileges. King Gossharic, a man of honour and compassion, with love for his people, made the difficult decision to abdicate his throne.

King Johnny offered his dad netle coins, but Gossharic was not a man who coveted wealth or power. He chose to leave the kingdom with nothing, taking only the wisdom of his years and his love for his people.

He ventured beyond the walls of the grand palace, seeking solace in the vast and open world for failing as a Dad. With time, he came upon a serene expanse of fertile land. The people, knowing the rightful ruler had chosen to step down, embraced King Gossharic, and offered him their support. They provided him with the land he asked for framing to sustain himself.

Farmer Gossharic had a vision for the land that was now his own. He decided to cultivate it, not for his benefit, but for the people who had shown him kindness. He worked tirelessly, turning the once-vacant fields into a thriving farm, producing an abundance of crops that would sustain the world of the poor. The people of the kingdom were astounded by King Gossharic's generosity and the remarkable alliance he had formed with the hawks to keep away his farm from predators. It was a time of unity and abundance. The civil war among the wizards had ended as dictator Johnny Rook promised, and the kingdom flourished under a new era of peace."

Aether, undeterred, pressed on, "You mentioned that King Gossharic was immortal. If these tales hold any truth, where might he be now?"

Ajax pondered the question before responding, "It is believed that should the civil war stir again in our world, King Gossharic would reappear to protect the people."

Aether, wearing a wry smile, turned to Stympha and said, "Even you, Stympha, wouldn't believe such stories. Who out there still clings to these beliefs, right?"

Stympha, the wise bird, responded, "Perhaps, young one, there's more to these legends than meets the eye. It is not for me to question the beliefs of wizards."

Aether, while not entirely satisfied, fell silent, turning his attention back to his father. He yearned to know more.

Ajax, sensing Aether's curiosity, explained, "We are here to continue the legacy of Gossharic." He clapped his hands, and with a touch of magic, the fruits and crops they had harvested seamlessly arranged themselves into bundles and loaded onto a chariot.

Aether and Stympha watched in awe as the bundles neatly organized themselves, their mouths agape in wonder. With their chariot brimming with nature's bounty, they set forth towards the village, soaring over fields and rivers. Anticipation hung heavy in the air, for the villagers eagerly awaited their arrival. This annual tradition was a time of celebration and unity.

Upon reaching the heart of the village, they were greeted by a throng of villagers, and the aroma of freshly cooked dishes wafted through the air. The people had prepared a lavish feast to share with the Agak lineage and their loyal hawks, an expression of gratitude for the family's unwavering generosity. Aether's eyes sparkled with delight as he witnessed the smiles on the faces of the villagers. He understood the profound significance of giving and how it wove the fabric of their community together. Side by side with Stympha, he presented the first basket of vegetables to an elderly woman who had known Agak's family for decades. Tears of gratitude welled in her eyes as she accepted the gift, and she bestowed her blessings upon Aether for upholding the cherished tradition. She turned towards Ajax, her eyes reflecting years of wisdom. With a gentle smile, she said, "How beautiful life is, my child. It has transformed you from a thief into a responsible man. It warms my heart to see that you've found the true meaning of your life."

With those words, she extended her hand and offered a heartfelt blessing, her gaze filled with genuine warmth and hope for Ajax's continued path of responsibility and goodness, as she had known him for years.

As the day turned to evening, the festivities continued to unfold. Aether, Ajax, and Stympha moved through the crowd, sharing their harvest and their joy with the villagers. The bonds between their family and the people of the village grew stronger with each passing moment. Aether's birthday had transformed into something more profound than a personal celebration. It had become a day of communal unity and boundless generosity. The legacy of the Agak family, carried on by Aether and his father, filled them with pride and served as a reminder of the importance of giving back to those in need.

As the sun sank below the horizon, bathing the village in a warm, golden glow, Aether gazed at his father with deep gratitude. He realized that they were part of something greater, a connection that spanned generations, a force capable of bestowing joy and abundance upon the lives of many. However, the revelry was abruptly silenced as a shadow fell over the crowd. A group of wizards had made their way to the heart of the village, where Ajax and Aether stood. Ajax recognized the gravity of the moment, for it meant the arrival of the king.

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